
RPS Multiplayer

RPS Multiplayer is an online multiplayer rock, paper, scissors game website. Players can chat, create and join games, and enjoy playing online rock, paper, scissors with other people.

Live Site: https://mkkiyoi.github.io/RPS-Multiplayer

Github Repo: https://github.com/mkkiyoi/RPS-Multiplayer

Brew Me

Brew Me is a one stop shop for brewery information. Find a brewery location or several in your neighborhood. Brew Me also lists the current beers in rotation so you can check out whats available.

Live Site: https://bengueb.github.io/project1/

Github Repo: https://github.com/bengueb/project1


LIRI (Language Interpretation and Recognition Interface) Bot is a command line node application that searches for information about an artist/band's concerts, a song, or a movie.

Github Repo: https://github.com/mkkiyoi/LIRI-Bot

Store Front CLI

Store-Front-CLI is a command line interface Amazon-like store front facilitating customer purchases and inventory management using MySQL and Node.

Github Repo: https://github.com/mkkiyoi/Store-Front-CLI


A Node based CLI (Command Line Interface) word guessing game.

Github Repo: https://github.com/mkkiyoi/WordGuessGame-CLI

Guess the Fruit!

Guess the Fruit is a word guessing game where all the words are fruits! Press the letter key you think is in the word to make a guess.

Live Site: https://mkkiyoi.github.io/Word-Guess-Game/

Github Repo: https://github.com/mkkiyoi/Word-Guess-Game

Train Scheduler

Train Scheduler is a simple site for scheduling trains and keeping track of the schedules of trains which have already been added. It is a simple example of using moment.js to track time and a Firebase database to store data.

Live Site: https://mkkiyoi.github.io/Train-Scheduler/

Github Repo: https://github.com/mkkiyoi/Train-Scheduler

Trivia Game

A basic trivia game with only 4 quesitons. Players click on the start button and then have 7 seconds to choose an answer by clicking on one of the 4 options.

Live Site: https://mkkiyoi.github.io/TriviaGame/

Github Repo: https://github.com/mkkiyoi/Trivia-Game

Gifs Galore

A website to find gifs! Uses the Giphy API to return gifs based on different queries.

Live Site: https://mkkiyoi.github.io/Gifs-Galore/

Github Repo: https://github.com/mkkiyoi/Gifs-Galore