RPS Multiplayer is an online multiplayer rock, paper, scissors game website. Players can chat, create and join games, and enjoy playing online rock, paper, scissors with other people.
Live Site: https://mkkiyoi.github.io/RPS-Multiplayer
Github Repo: https://github.com/mkkiyoi/RPS-Multiplayer
Brew Me is a one stop shop for brewery information. Find a brewery location or several in your neighborhood. Brew Me also lists the current beers in rotation so you can check out whats available.
Live Site: https://bengueb.github.io/project1/
Github Repo: https://github.com/bengueb/project1
LIRI (Language Interpretation and Recognition Interface) Bot is a command line node application that searches for information about an artist/band's concerts, a song, or a movie.
Github Repo: https://github.com/mkkiyoi/LIRI-Bot
Store-Front-CLI is a command line interface Amazon-like store front facilitating customer purchases and inventory management using MySQL and Node.
Github Repo: https://github.com/mkkiyoi/Store-Front-CLI
A Node based CLI (Command Line Interface) word guessing game.
Github Repo: https://github.com/mkkiyoi/WordGuessGame-CLI
Guess the Fruit is a word guessing game where all the words are fruits! Press the letter key you think is in the word to make a guess.
Live Site: https://mkkiyoi.github.io/Word-Guess-Game/
Github Repo: https://github.com/mkkiyoi/Word-Guess-Game
Train Scheduler is a simple site for scheduling trains and keeping track of the schedules of trains which have already been added. It is a simple example of using moment.js to track time and a Firebase database to store data.
Live Site: https://mkkiyoi.github.io/Train-Scheduler/
Github Repo: https://github.com/mkkiyoi/Train-Scheduler
A basic trivia game with only 4 quesitons. Players click on the start button and then have 7 seconds to choose an answer by clicking on one of the 4 options.
Live Site: https://mkkiyoi.github.io/TriviaGame/
Github Repo: https://github.com/mkkiyoi/Trivia-Game
A website to find gifs! Uses the Giphy API to return gifs based on different queries.
Live Site: https://mkkiyoi.github.io/Gifs-Galore/
Github Repo: https://github.com/mkkiyoi/Gifs-Galore